Born 15th March 2000
Weight 2.710 kilos (6lbs)
H.C: 32cms
Length: 49.5 cm
Temp: 36.5 C
Type of delivery: Emergency Section
Many thanks to the dedicated team of doctors, nurses and health professionals
at London's Whittington Hospital who brought me into the world so suddenly.

My Dad's first portrait of me when I was a few hours old.
It's a great picture because he's such a good photographer, but then I am biassed aren't I.

Me with my Mum in our little room number 17 in Nightingale Ward
The flowers that Kenneth and family sent are on the TV.

My friends Nigel, Sue and Amy Louise gave me my first nice outfit.
I'm going to be a slave to fashion, I just know it!!
Many thanks to all my other friends who have good fashion taste for supplying me with my superb spring wardrobe. I shall be the talk of the playpen, if not vogue.

My parents think I'm a little angel because I don't cry at all now,
but you wait a few months and I'll show them!

Taking my first bath in the hospital. Some of these midwives are very good at it,
so my Mum learnt some washing tips and my parents think I enjoy bathtime now.

Having my nails done for the first time. A girls got to look good eh?

Being visited by Grandma, Madge, Jane, Simon and Rebecca who brought me a cuddly toy.
Thanks, I'm sure I will love it once I realise it is a tiger.

Me with my proud parents and Grandma. Don't I look good!

Me with Mum and Dad. They are so lucky!

Thanks to everyone who has called, sent cards, presents, made contributions etc
and made my arrival in this world so happy.
Those of you that I haven't met yet I look forward to meeting soon.

All my love, Victoria

Me in Brazil
My second Birthday
Me at MiniKin Hair Salon, my first haircut

My 1st Birthday
Me at physiotherapy
Me at 8 months old in red
Me at 6 months old in a new dress
Me at 5 months old riding a rocking horse and with my friends.
Have a look at the first page I had with me a bit younger aged 2 weeks.
Click here to see more of me in the hospital when I was born

Click here to see me at my aromatherapist!!
Click here to see me at my first party
Me with Father Christmas

my email is

Did you see my other page now that I am a bit older?