Born 15th March 2000  Weight 2.710 kilos (6lbs)
On 11th December 2000 I weighed  8 ·28 kilos
dont know what that is in pounds I'm still a metric baby!

Me with Zsuzsa, the physio at Palace where I go once a week for physiotherapy. I've been attending since I was about eight weeks old and it has made a big difference to my development. On the right, you can see me standing up with some help. Sometimes, when I'm not feeling lazy I can do this on my own.

My physio trying to get me to crawl, which I haven't quite got the hand of yet. 22kb

Me standing at the exercise bars. 24kb

Me with different shapes at physion. 23kb   Me and my friend Edward at physio. 13kb
  Left: Me trying different shapes and right with my friend Edward
who has physio at the same time.

The doctors confirmed I have Downs Syndrome 47XX21, so I will have to be very careful about where I go and what I do in future.
They are very pleased with my progress so far, and my parents think I am very strong. I am strong, not just in body. You wait!!!

Me in Brazil
My second Birthday
Me at MiniKin Hair Salon, my first haircut

My 1st Birthday
Me at physiotherapy
Me at 8 months old in red
Me at 6 months old in a new dress
Me at 5 months old riding a rocking horse and with my friends.
Have a look at the first page I had with me a bit younger aged 2 weeks.
Click here to see more of me in the hospital when I was born

Click here to see me at my aromatherapist!!
Click here to see me at my first party
Me with Father Christmas

All my love, Victoria

my email is

if you want your own web site contact my dad because
that's what he does.

My Dad's web development company, WEBORG

Campos & Davis Photos site, have a look at what my parents do